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Active Start @ Home - 'Harry and Friends'

Today we have Betty White helping us out with our story…

Materials: YouTube, paper, scissors, colouring pencils, markers or crayons.

Main Learning Outcomes: Developing fine motor skills and early literacy.


(1) First, sit down with your kiddo for a read aloud using the link (unless you own the book) of “Harry the Dirty Dog”, written by Gene Zion. Here is a link:

(2) Now we are going to make our own simple origami “Harry”. For simple directions, follow the link: . If your kiddos enjoyed making Harry like ours did, they can make Harry some friends of all different colours and sizes!

Tips: Make sure to encourage your kiddos fold, colour and draw without your help (even if it doesn't look all that much like Harry ;). These activities are important in developing their fine motor skills and they also teach independence. Even Toddlers can do this activity, although you may need to help them a little more with the folding than you would with older children.

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